Friday 17 April 2020

A Season in Quarantine - Day Thirty Three

So, I had intended to take a walk earlier this afternoon, but for various reasons I spent the early part of the afternoon indoors and then, just as I was leaving to take my walk, I instead found myself having to take a VERY important delivery. Well, you have to, don't you...

So, by the time I was ready to leave, it was raining.
Intrepid photographer that I am, I continued with my walk (much to the disgust of my usual walking partner who headed back indoors to dry his fur).

There were three reasons for my folly:
1. I needed a walk
2. I wanted to prove that I am not just a fair weather walker
3. I have been commenting, on and off, on the dryness of the soil round here (this is only the second or third drop of rain in thirty-three days) and I wanted to photograph the rain, so I needed to wander off in search of puddles. It's so dry here, there weren't any in the immediate vicinity.

Fortunately I found some puddles along the farm track.

Satisfied with  raindrops in puddles, I wandered up to the main road, where I came across some early blooming wisteria,

and had another look at the new thatching. It does seem as if only one side and the top has had a new coat. What do you think?

At which point one of my neighbours (on the opposite side of the road) wanted to be nice to the lunatic woman taking photographs in the rain.

So there you have today's (admittedly brief) walk.

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