Tuesday 2 April 2024

March Into April

I wasn't sure what I was going to do for April's post. I had grand ideas. So grand, let me tell you! But the ducks gave me that look and I decided to keep it simple.

Since my last photo post, as opposed to video post, in March I've taken a range of photos of things I've seen. Some I've taken with my camera, some on my phone. Some were taken in March. Some are already April images. But here they are, a diary-style blogpost of places and creatures I've eyeballed since I last posted.


  1. Such moody and atmospheric skies! The penultimate photo is awesome - was it a rainbow or a trick of the light? And what is the giraffe in aid of? I zoomed but couldn't see a charity.

  2. Thank you. The penultimate photo is the tail end of a rainbow - black clouds still above, but blueish skies and a rainbow tail beneath. As for the giraffes, they have been sticking their necks up all over Cambridge. They are quiet creatures and are not saying what they are doing there, but the website says the giraffes have been created by local schools and community groups and specifically: "This towering sculpture trail will bring together communities from all corners of the city, and encourage them to look up at the spectacular art on offer while supporting Break, a charity working in Cambridge and Cambridgeshire to raise aspirations of the county’s young care leavers." https://www.break-charity.org/cambridge-standing-tall/
