Wednesday 2 June 2021

Laying Down Lines

Laying Down Lines

I am making these lines through the golden green of evening

tracing its glory light with the worn dark soles of my shoes.

It’s a time I have repeatedly sped through in the past

making hard lines for always somewhere else

leaving my yearning like a lost trail behind me.

Now I am lingering, laying down lines

timelines, lay lines, ends of lines

along old green lines long since axed

well past their glory days.

Tracing these parallels because you.

For you, with you, though you 

have long since sped on by.

Via these lines, between these lines

I am leaving marks, laying you down

marking time

taking you

to the end of the line.








From photographs taken on: 17th April 2021, 18th April 2021, 29th May 2021 and 31st May 2021 across South Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire


  1. Fantastic pictures, great poem. Were you inspired by the pictures to write the poem, or inspired by the poem to take the photos?

  2. The walks and the photographs came first (or at least, most of them). The concept of the poem started to emerge part way through the walks and was drafted the day before the final set of photos. So, those taken on 31st May were taken with the draft poem in my head.
