I've just spent a week in the south of France and very nice it was too: sun, blue sky, old buildings, old friends and vineyards (plus their "fruits" - both solid and liquid). Sadly, I wasn't able to take my camera with me, but I did have my phone. It went in the back pocket of my shorts on every walk and trip out.
What follows are the photographic highlights of the week. They are phone-camera photos. They are not perfect and some will work better in full screen than others, but if you want a wine-soaked flavour of the old village of Nezignan L'Eveque, the surrounding countryside and a few neighbouring villages, then feel free to browse these images.
If you would like to read a poem I wrote some years ago about the rooftops of Nezignan L'Eveque following a previous trip, please click on this link to the Poetry Atlas
Storks flocking above the village church