Saturday, 21 November 2020

Constitutional Highlights - Second Ten Days of November


This is the second ten days of November back to front, i.e. 20th - 10th November 2020. Every few uploads, Blogger decides to position my photographs in reverse chronological order. I don't know why, so can do nothing about it. It is very annoying.

Anyway, as everyone in England is trying to progress forward to the end of the current lockdown, my photos are heading back in the opposite direction across South Cambridgeshire.

As ever, the cats are my walking buddies (yes, cats do like to go for a walk) and everything else is wild and free (except perhaps the geese, who were free but not wild).

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Constitutional Highlights - First Ten Days of November

So, these are the first ten days of November and we went back into lockdown half way through. I am endeavouring to walk every day and take photos most days, but not all of them make it here (though you may not realise it, given the quantity of photos taken in just ten days). 

Days of sunshine and brightness make for the best photos, but don't let the plethora of bright photos fool you. We have had rain and greyness for much of this period and I hope that some of that is also reflected in the images below. Life in lockdown is not all bright blue skies and glowing autumnal colours.

Lockdown also means that I am back routinely walking my local footpaths. You will find many images of the same locations, changing only as the weather and the time of day changes.

One of my walking buddies

My main walking buddy

The other walking buddy again